Ductless/Mini-Splits In Killeen, TX

Ductless/Mini-Splits In Killeen, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove, TX and Surrounding Areas

Ductless/Mini-Splits In Killeen, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove, TX and Surrounding Areas | Kilpatrick Heating & Air ConditioningIn Killeen, Texas ductless air conditioning and heating units are growing in popularity. Also known as mini-splits, these heating and cooling units are ideal for additions to the home, sunroom, and any other room that didn’t already have climate control. While the winters tend to have few days of extreme cold, the summer seems to begin in spring and hang on until the fall with scorching weather. You need to keep your ductless heater and air conditioner in good working order, and you’ll need mini-split services in Killeen, Texas.

Contact Us Today for Ductless/Mini-Splits In Killeen, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove, TX and Surrounding Areas.

Ductless Mini-Splits Maintenance and Tune-ups in Killeen, Texas

To keep your mini-splits in prime condition, it’s a good idea to have a professional HVAC service perform maintenance and a tune-up twice a year, once in the fall and again in the spring. The technician will inspect the entire system, clean your air filters, check fluid levels, and other tasks. Your technician will also look for parts that need to be replaced and possible repairs to help you avoid larger problems. 

Ductless Mini-Splits Repairs and Emergency Repairs

Eventually, one of the parts in your mini-split will wear out or break, and you’ll need repairs to the system. There are a variety of problems that could occur from low coolant levels to thermostats not measuring your home’s temperature correctly. Our technicians can quickly locate the issue and provide high-quality repair. 

Ductless Mini-Splits Replacement or Installation

At some point, you’ll need to replace your mini-split, or you may turn your garage into a man cave and need a mini-split installed. Our technicians can answer all of your questions to help you decide if it’s time to replace your unit. They can also help you select your new system.

Kilpatrick Heating & Air Conditioning has technicians who are well-qualified to maintain, repair, and replace this relatively new type of HVAC equipment. Contact our office today to learn more about mini-splits.

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